箏の伝統的な古典の調子 (スケール) の固定概念を完全に解き放ち
東洋のハープとして捉え直した30種類以上の調子を自在に弾き鳴らすことが出来ます KOTO STUDIO自由流箏 森 稚重子監修によるオリジナル調弦 全ての調弦にはそれぞれ箏の練習曲としての作品があり 新作品と共に新しい調子も随時追加していく現在進行形のアプリです 音源録音には最高級の箏(琴)、玉杢二重綾杉彫り箏を使用 高音質な音色が響きます。KOTOSTUDIO自由流生の調弦練習の為のみならず お箏の音域に幅広く触れてみたい方にお薦めします。 特徴: -高音質なお箏の音色を味わえます -各弦毎、または複数の弦を同時に弾けます -弦名と音名が同画面上に並んでおり 音の関係性を理解し易い表記構成です -アプリケーションは日本語と英語に対応しています -弾き爪奏法(画面中央)&ピチカット奏法(画面右列) &継続音(画面左列)を導入 Red Koto is a growing collection of tunings by Chieko Mori. This can be used for tuning the Instrument by ear, for studying scales, or for playing with the different tunings. Each tuning refers to a composition by Chieko Mori,written especially for learning Koto Music at her "Koto Studio" school in Tokyo. Sounds are played both picked with the left hand and plucked with the right hand using ivory picks. On the left side of the screen the pitch for each string is shown. When touched, a triangle wave with the corresponding frequency is played until deselected. The middle of the screen represents the 13 strings of the Koto, each string plays a plucked sound at the corresponding pitch. To the right side the number of the string is shown in Japanese, touching each number produces a plucked sound. Except where noted differently, tunings are based on a root note of 442 Hertz. |
楽しめます。音源録音には最高級の箏 玉杢二重綾杉彫り箏を 使用。高音質な音色が響きます。お箏の音階勉強として又、 初心者から演奏家の方まで調弦合わせの際に幅広く利用出来ます。 自由流箏 家元 森 稚重子監修アプリです。 特徴: -伝統的な調子26種類の古典調子(スケール)を壱越、 双調、上無の3種類の基音にて調弦可能 -お箏の調弦(音階)勉強に最適 -各弦毎、または複数の弦を同時に弾けます -弦名と音名が同画面上に並び音の関係性を把握し易い構成 -アプリケーションは日本語と英語に対応 -弾き爪奏法(画面中央)&ピチカット奏法(画面右列)& 継続音(画面左列)を導入 音源詳細: -調律は442ヘルツ -調弦名は生田流の名称を参照 -基音はD(壱越調いちこつちょう) 、G(双調そうじょう)、 C#(上無かみむ)の3種類より選択可能 尚、C#(上無かみむ)のみ一は五の乙に 1オクターブ下げています。(KOTO STUDIO自由流式) KotoTunings is a carefully recorded and beautifully sounding collection of 26 traditional tunings for the 13-stringed Japanese Koto. It can be useful for tuning the Koto by ear, for studying the scales, or for playing with the tunings. Simple design and operation make your play spontaneously, with sounds both plucked with the right hand using ivory picks and picked with the left hand. On the left side of the screen the pitch for each string is shown. When touched, a triangle wave with the corresponding frequency is played until deselected. The middle of the screen represents the 13 strings of the Koto and each string plays a plucked sound at the corresponding pitch. To the right side the number of the string is shown in Japanese, touching each number produces a plucked sound. - The root note for all tunings can be switched between D (Ichikotsu), G (Soujyo) and C# (Kamimu). When C# based, the first string is tuned one octave lower (original method of KOTO STUDIO). - The right side of the screen shows the string number, the left side shows the note pitch. -All notes are tuned to a root note of 442Hz. |